Thursday, April 10, 2014

TRC Alberta National Event (March 27-30, 2014)

For 116 years, thousands of Aboriginal children in Alberta were sent to Indian Residential Schools funded by the federal government and run by the churches. They were taken from their families and communities in order to be stripped of language, cultural identity and traditions. Canada’s attempt to wipe out Aboriginal cultures failed. But it left an urgent need for reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples.
There were more Indian Residential Schools in Alberta than in any other province.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) held its last National Event in Edmonton on March 27 to 30, 2014. Attendees came and shared their truth about the schools and their legacy. They witnessed and celebrated the resilience of Aboriginal cultures!
  • Statement Gathering
  • Traditional Ceremonies
  • Survivor Gatherings
  • Education Day
  • Witnessing Survivor Statements
  • Cultural Performances
  • Films, and more
Each TRC National Event was dedicated to one of the Seven Sacred Teachings – love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. All gatherings were open to the public. Admission was free.
The TRC held a number of hearings prior to the Alberta National Event:
  • Red Deer:        June 6 - 8, 2013
  • Slave Lake:      June 18 - 19, 2013
  • High Level:      July 3 - 4, 2013
  • Hobbema:       July 24 - 25, 2013
  • Lethbridge:     October 9 - 10, 2013
  • Calgary:           November 4 - 5, 2013

You can view archived webcasts of these hearings at: and for more information to download the Statement Gathering FAQ pdf


Click here to download a copy of the event program.

Statement Gathering – The Truth and Reconciliation Commission wants to hear from everyone who has been affected by the Indian Residential Schools. That includes Survivors of the schools, their families, community members – anyone whose life has been affected by the schools or their legacy.

Honorary Witness Ceremony – Honorary Witnesses are public figures who take on a special responsibility for sharing the TRC’s message of truth-telling and reconciliation. In fact, we are all invited to be witnesses – to listen carefully to the truths that are shared, and to share them with those we know when we return to our own homes and communities. New Honorary Witnesses will be inducted during the Alberta National Event.

Commissioners Sharing Panel – TRC Commissioners will listen personally and carefully to all of the statements that are made to them by anyone who wishes to speak publicly about their Indian Residential School experiences and the affect of these experiences on their lives.

Sharing Circles with Survivor Committee Member – Share your truth with others in a Sharing Circle facilitated by a member of the Indian Residential School Survivor Committee.

Expressions of Reconciliation – Offer an Expression of Reconciliation on behalf your organization or yourself. Your expression can take any form – a written statement, an artefact, a work of art. If you are interested, please contact Lori Ransom (

Learning Place – Spend some time learning about the schools that Aboriginal children attended in Alberta, and about the affect this experience had on the lives of these children as they became adults. Have a conversation with someone who can tell you something you might not have heard before.

Church Archives – Look through historic photographs of students and schools, as well as other documents from the archives of the church entities that operated the Indian Residential Schools.

Education Day – On March 27, a full day of varied programming designed for junior high and high school students. Stay tuned for details.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
1500-360 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Z3
Toll Free: 1-888-872-5554 (1-888-TRC-5554) Telephone: (204) 984-5885 Fax: (204) 984-5915 email: