Saturday, April 5, 2014

NEW....Presbyterian Woman of Faith Award (May 15)

The year 2014 is a very important milestone in the history of the Women’s Missionary Society. Three organizations which had evolved from specific missions united on May 14, 1914, to form the Women’s Missionary Society of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Exactly 100 years from that date, the WMS is planning a celebratory event to mark that occasion at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel (Richmond Hill-Toronto) from 1–4 pm on May15th, the day before the Gathering. The celebration will begin with a banquet lunch. Plans include special speakers, displays and memorabilia, an entertaining presentation on the WMS history, and more. There will be international guests, former WMS missionaries, and past presidents, to name a few.

More information about the program, tickets, and registration will go out to WMS groups and registrants for the Gathering in the Fall. It promises to be a joyous event. Please join us!

Presbyterian Woman of Faith Award

From the beginning of the Christian story, women have been present in a significant way. Through the centuries, they have played a formative role as disciples, apostles, teachers, elders, ordained ministers, deaconesses, and missionaries. Women have courageously and faithfully gone forward to create, to establish, to empower, and to support a variety of ministries, within the inner city, throughout rural areas, and among our First Nations. Whether across Canada or overseas, women have been trail-blazers, unafraid to step out into the unknown and take a leap of faith as they established new ministries and began new work.

With this in mind, The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Women’s Missionary Society have established a new award to recognize the work of women within The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMAN OF FAITH AWARD will be given to a woman, lay, elder, diaconal minister, or ordained clergy, who is, or has been, part of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, to honour her either for a particular accomplishment or a lifetime of achievement.

The first recipient of this award will be recognized at the Presbyterian Women’s Gathering in Richmond Hill, Ontario, in May 2014. For more information, contact Liz Brewer at The Presbyterian Church in Canada: 416.441.1111 (1.800.619.7301) or email her at