Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Update from Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D)

Proud to Send My Daughter to School

Sayed Mohammad makes bricks to support his family. He works during the hot summers, as well as the cold winters. For a time, his ten-year-old daughter, Saima, worked alongside him. Through a Presbyterian World Service & Development project in Afghanistan, Sayed learned that his daughter was too young to be doing hard labour at the brick factory and that it was his responsibility to send her to school. “I feel really proud of myself now, because everyone at home appreciates that I am sending my daughter to school.” Not only is Sayed sending his enabling his daughter to pursue an education, he is working hard to raise awareness about how education can change children’s futures. Since PWS&D started supporting the girls’ education project in Afghanistan, over 4,000 girls have been enrolled in school.

For more information about PWS&D, go to