Thursday, April 24, 2014

CanadaYouth2014 (registration deadline is May 31)

What is Canada Youth? 
  • Canada Youth (CY) is a quality national youth ministry program that is highly valued by The Presbyterian Church in Canada. This event provides leadership training opportunities and a broad experience of the Church for youth, young adults and youth ministry leaders. The Church perpetually identifies youth, the mission of the Church, and leadership development/equipping as essential values. CY is intensely and intentionally focused on these three essential values.
  • CY is an energy-packed gathering that builds Christian community and celebrates youth ministry in our denomination. CY provides a time and place away from daily routine that offers opportunities to encounter Christ in dynamic and focused ways. Through worship, recreation, music, small groups, workshops, mission experiences and plenary speakers, community is formed and lives are transformed. Through intentional leadership training, local congregational youth leaders have the opportunity to experience and engage with exceptional youth ministry leadership. This is a rare time to replenish the spirit, rejuvenate energy and refine youth ministry programs. The church identifies youth, the mission of the church, and leadership development/equipping as essential values. CY is intensely- and intentionally-focused on these three essential values.
When is CanadaYouth2014?
  • CY2014 is taking place from July 7 to July 12.
Where can I find out more details about CY2014?
Wondering how to help?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thank You to Edmonton's Festival City Winds

We welcomed and want to thank members of Edmonton's Festival City Winds for their participation in our service this morning.  Our special thanks to Wendy Grasdahl (director) and to Eila Peterson (soloist).

FPC Community Dinner (April 26)

The next FPC Community Dinner will be held on April 26.  These dinners put volunteerism in to action and are a way for church members to give back. 

FREE Movie Night - April 24 @ 7pm

Join us for the next Movie Night at First Church this Thursday @ 7:00 pm.   The movie will be announced at the event.

Got Books? ....used books donations wanted

On June 1 following the Sunday Service, ACTS (Ladies Aid) is organizing a used book sale. 
Bring your book donations to the Social Room on a Sunday morning OR to the church office on a Tuesday or Thursday mornings.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reflections on Music for Good Friday & Easter

by Joachim Seeger, Music Director of First Presbyterian Church Edmonton

Good Friday and Easter are both emotional spiritual and musical experiences. Join us in praising our Lord for the gift of showing us how his dying teaches us how to live.

On Good Friday we remember Christ’s death on a cross and his dying love to redeem the world. Well-known hymns will be sung and the choir will feature a short cantata by composer John Carter and poet Fred Pratt Green entitled “The Seven Words.” This cantata is set for soloists and choir and reflects on the seven words uttered by Jesus on the cross. One of the poetic refrains in the cantata states: “…and by your dying teach us how to live.”

Living brings us to Easter when Christians remember that the forces of evil and death did not have the last word but that God raised Jesus from death. Brass music heralds the call to victory with the congregation, choir and members from Festival City Winds introducing the service with “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” Included in the service is the well-known “Hallelujah Chorus” from “Messiah” by George Frederick Handel sung by the First Presbyterian Choir.

Music and liturgy is vital to the worship at First. Again, join us in praising our Lord for the gift of showing us how his dying teaches us how to live.

FPC Church Services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday are both at 11:00 a.m.