Friday, September 19, 2014

Blanket Exercise (Sept 21)

Blanket Exercise image
Following this Sunday's worship, the youth would like to invite you to grab your coffee and join them in the sanctuary for the Blanket Exercise.

The Blanket Exercise is an experiential activity that explores the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. It takes approximately 40-60 minutes.

The Blanket Exercise: A Learning Activity Exploring the Relationship Between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Peoples

The Blanket Exercise is an experiential activity that explores the 500-year relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island (a name for North America used by some First Nations). The Blanket Exercise was developed by the Aboriginal Rights Coalition (ARC), one of ten ecumenical coalitions the churches brought together to form KAIROS in 2001. The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a member of KAIROS.

This version of the Blanket Exercise includes references of significance to the PCC and its relationship with Indigenous peoples, and resources for leading discussion before and after the activity. This guide includes briefing and debriefing materials for church groups. The material can be adapted as needed to suit a variety of groups.


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