PCConnect - April Edition
The name of the Rev. Karen R. Horst, minister of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church in Orillia, Ontario, will be placed as the sole
nominee to be Moderator of the 2015 General Assembly, which begins on
June 4 in Vancouver.
Curious about what happened at the recent Assembly Council meetings?
Read more about the discussion on strategic planning, the pension plan
and much more.
From March 16–19, leadership from a variety of ministries gathered in
Mississauga, Ontario, for education, worship and leadership
development. Leaders from across the country represented the camping
ministries, National Native Ministry Council, new congregational
development, presbyteries, renewing and sustaining congregations, social
ministries, and college students.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada is responding to the emergency
situation in Vanuatu, caused by Cyclone Pam, through Presbyterian World
Service & Development.
Becoming an Elder in The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a new
resource prepared by Canadian Ministries to provide information about
discerning a call to eldership—to discern one’s own call or to nominate
others who might be called.
Healing and Reconciliation Sunday is May 24. Aboriginal Day Sunday is
June 21. Congregations are invited to mark each of these, and each
Sunday in between, with prayer, using bulletin inserts prepared by
Justice Ministries.
Two new records management resources for congregations are now
available. One is meant for day-to-day records management. The other is
for dissolved congregations trying to discern which records to send to
the Archives.