RCCO Edmonton offers a great opportunity to hear 5 exciting organ concerts at greatly discounted series prices! Join us for the one concert at First Church. | |
DATE: Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 TIME: 8:00 pm LOCATION: First Presbyterian Church Out of Ottawa
Warren, Fellow of the Royal College of Organists in London and winner of a
variety of awards and prizes, performs a colourful and inspiring program.
Co-sponsored by the Royal Canadian College of Organists.
See Joachim (FPC Music Director) for season's tickets. Available only until Oct. 20, 2014. |
Adults $25 Seniors: $22 Students: $15 Tix on the Square: (780) 420-1757 www.tixonthesquare.ca or at the door |
Adults $70 Seniors $62 Available in advance, call: 780.454.3882 Student Season Subscription: Call: 780.454.3882 for ticket pricing Email: rcco@rcco.edmonton.ab.ca
Website: www.rcco.edmonton.ab.ca