Monday, June 23, 2014

FPC's Historic Designation

No surprise, historic designations for a building are a complicated and multi-layered undertaking.

The Province of Alberta designated FPC as a Historic Resource on November 19, 1978. Horst Schmid, the Minister of Culture at the time attended the morning Service of Worship and officially declared the Church a Provincial Historic Resource. In 1979, the province not only accepted the church building as an historic site, but also the parking lot to the south of the church. On July 26, 1981 to coincide with the anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the Church in 1911, the historic plaque signifying the designation was unveiled by the then Minister of Culture, Mary LeMessurier. 

In 1999, the process to designate the Church as a Municipal Historic Resource began. On Sunday, July 2, 2000 as part of Canada Day celebrations, representatives from the Mayor's office and the City of Edmonton Historic Board came to the Service of Worship and spoke about our church being designated a Municipal Historic site.

If you want to learn more about FPC history, read Ken Munro's book "First Presbyterian Church, Edmonton: A History". Use the links below to obtain an e-copy.
eBook & Soft Cover